Eyes and Reflections

I recently opened an exhibition of new work at Studio TWOZEROTWO in downtown Walla Walla. It was a packed house at the opening reception – a testament to the vitality of the art community here in Walla Walla.

Over the past few years while I was working to complete and install large-scale commissioned sculptures, I made an intentional decision to hold off on publicly exhibiting my personal studio work. During that time however, I continued to explore the ideas and aesthetics that I’d been engaged with over the past two decades. As life is constantly changing, I recognized the necessity to embrace new realities that were now part of my life. I continued to question the validity of ideas that suggested a creative career had to have a linear and specific trajectory. I think we all realize that creativity–much like life–is chaotic, mysterious and often misunderstood. It is also spontaneous, exhilarating and ever-changing. That line of thinking has formed much of the motivation behind the curated selection of works that I decided to exhibit at this time.

Here’s a link to more information and images that relate to the exhibition. http://union-bulletin.com/news/2015/nov/05/squire-broel-portrait-artist/


Thoughts about creativity


Eyes in The Wilderness